Breast Lift Surgery

Our main goals in breast lift surgery are to move the nipple and areola tissue upwards in accordance with the definition of breast sagging, to make the breast fuller using available tissues or a silicone prosthesis, and to remove excess breast skin.

Breast sagging (ptosis/ptosis) is a condition that occurs due to reasons such as pregnancy, lactation, aging, excessive and rapid weight changes, and as a result of the loosening of the suspensory ligaments between the breast and the rib cage.

Breast sagging is basically evaluated based on two important factors. The first of these is the position of the nipple relative to the fold under the breast.

Breast sagging is evaluated by taking into account the position of the nipple relative to the sub-breast fold.

Image Note: Breast sagging is evaluated by taking into account the position of the nipple relative to the sub-breast fold.

In non-sagging breasts, the nipple level is slightly above the sub-breast fold. Our second factor is that the lowest border of the breast is at the level of the sub-breast fold or higher. Below this level, if the nipple is at normal levels, false sagging is mentioned (glandular ptosis or pseudoptosis).

In cases where the nipple sags along with the breast tissue, the breast volume is generally large. One of the exceptions to this is the deformity called tuberous breast (tubular breast, tube breast, dog breast), in which the breast base age is narrow, the submammary fold is high and the nipple hangs down. Please follow the relevant blog post about tuberous breast.

Tuberous breast is a deformity that is frequently seen in society, in which the nipple and areola enlarge, the submammary fold is located higher than normal, and the breast tissue is compressed within a narrow diameter.

Image Note: Tuberous breast is a deformity that is frequently seen in society, in which the nipple and areola enlarge, the submammary fold is located higher than normal, and the breast tissue is compressed within a narrow diameter.

Breast lift surgery, in addition to the corrections in the axis of the breast from bottom to top, also makes the breast look more vibrant, as it is also defined as breast lift surgery . For this purpose, if the person's own tissue is sufficient, breast lift surgery is usually sufficient. If there is not enough breast tissue with sagging, it is necessary to support it with a silicone prosthesis (implant mastopexy).

What needs to be done before breast lift surgery is breast examination and minimum breast scans.

Breast lift surgeries create a displacement of the breast tissue. Cysts or masses that were previously located at any point in the breast tissue can be displaced by this surgery. Therefore, in order to check whether any lump has existed in the past and its size after surgery, I recommend a detailed breast examination to all my patients, followed by breast ultrasound and mammography if they are over 40 years of age. While the incidence of breast cancer has increased significantly in recent years, advances in breast cancer diagnosis have almost eliminated this cancer from being a fearful disease. In all breast aesthetic surgeries, the plastic surgeon is in direct contact with the breast tissue, and when he encounters a suspicious tissue, he has the opportunity to take a piece from it and send it for analysis. I have had patients diagnosed with cancer this way. In these patients, we can change the plan and perform breast reconstruction or breast reconstruction simultaneously while removing the cancer tissue.

Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the technique chosen, the surgery may take between 1-2.5 hours.

Our main goals in breast lift surgery are to move the nipple and areola tissue upwards in accordance with the definition of breast sagging, to make the breast fuller using available tissues or a silicone prosthesis, and to remove excess breast skin. Surgical planning will vary depending on the stage of sagging in the surgery to be performed. For example , slight sagging of the breast can be eliminated only by removing a circular skin and breast tissue around the areola tissue. This is called periareolar mastopexy .

The method called periareolar mastopexy, which leaves a scar on the border of the brown area around the breast (areola).

Image Note: A method called periareolar mastopexy that leaves a scar on the border of the brown area (areola) around the breast.

If the breast tissue volume is not sufficient, it may be necessary to support it with a silicone prosthesis. In patients with moderate breast sagging, in addition to the removal around the areola tissue, a vertical incision should be made in the breast tissue and a triangle-shaped tissue should be removed from the lower pole. In this case, the scar that will remain on the breast is a lollipop-shaped scar that is in the shape of a ring around the nipple and vertically downwards. This is called vertical mastopexy.

Vertical scar breast lift (vertical scar mastopexy) leaves a lollipop-shaped scar on the breast.

Image Note: Breast lift with vertical scars (vertical scar mastopexy) leaves a lollipop-shaped scar on the breast.

In some patients with severe sagging of the breast , only vertical extraction from the lower pole may not be sufficient. In addition, it is necessary to tighten the breast in the horizontal axis at the base of the breast, and the scar that will remain may turn into an inverted letter T shape.

In some nozzles, the scar should be in the shape of an inverted T to ensure collection on the horizontal axis.

Image Note: In some nozzles, the scar should be in the shape of an inverted T to ensure collection on the horizontal axis.

Breast lift surgery has a recovery period of 1-3 weeks, depending on the degree of sagging and the preferred technique.

At the end of the breast lift surgery, if tissue is removed and even a silicone prosthesis is placed, there will be drains placed in the breast tissue towards the end of the surgery and collecting dirty blood that may accumulate inside. These drains are usually removed the next morning.

At the end of the surgery, a tube called a drain will come out of the breast.

Image Note: At the end of the surgery, a tube called a drain will come out of the breast.

As with only mild sagging, the recovery time is faster in patients with superficial excision. I generally do not use drains in these patients.

In the process after breast lift surgery, you should allow time for your breast to heal, as in other breast-related surgeries. This will vary between 1-4 weeks depending on the depth of your surgery. Despite this, I definitely recommend a 15-day rest even for patients who have undergone breast lift surgery in which only the areola and nipple are elevated. During this period, if possible, avoid activities that will strain the chest muscles (such as tennis, swimming, pull-ups, using a vacuum cleaner).

You will not have stitches that need to be removed after breast lift surgery. You can take a shower the day after the surgery. If post-operative pain control can be achieved and you do not have a drain, you can be discharged on the evening of the surgery.

As after all trunk surgeries, it is important to mobilize the patient early. If possible, I want you to get up and walk around in the first hours you feel comfortable. This is intended to prevent blood from pooling in the legs and creating a tendency to clot.

Pains related to the breast and rib cage gradually disappear within 15 days. Scars will turn from red-pink to skin color over time. During that process, I will have scar care suggestions. The most important of these is protection with sunscreen for approximately 1 year.

If you are considering a new pregnancy after breast lift surgery, I recommend that you postpone it for at least one year after the surgery.

One of the frequently asked questions about breast lift surgery is whether the lactation function will be affected after the surgery. Since we do not intervene in the milk ducts located under the nipple, the function of breastfeeding is not affected. Likewise, I ask my patients "How long should I wait to have surgery after the lactation period?" I also hear the question frequently. At the end of the breastfeeding period, a regression is expected as the hormones in the mammary gland withdraw. Residual milk may remain in the milk ducts. While most of it is absorbed by the body, a small part may remain in the duct and form a milk cyst. The milk ducts regress and the process of milk absorption continues for up to 1-1.5 years. I recommend breast lift surgery at the earliest 1 year after the end of breastfeeding.

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